
Thursday, November 28, 2019

A right to good healthcare Essay Example

A right to good healthcare Essay Introduction to Ethics and Social Responsibility This is the United States of America, land of the free. Good health care is a right, not a privilege. Healthcare (including public health) is special because it protects normal functioning, which in turn protects the range of opportunities open to individuals (Daniels N. 2001 pig. 2). Currently President Obama has been trying to change the way health care is approached in the United States. He is facing quite a bit of opposition in his ideas that the government should provide health care for all Americans. No matter what your stance is on President Beams healthcare plan, we all realize that it is better to have health insurance than not. With prescription-drug costs being so out of control, many people have to choose between food and their prescriptions. Which is Just not right, the fact is that health care is out of control. If healthcare was made more affordable it would actually end up costing taxpayers less in the long run because the expense of having to pay for uninsured patients medical expenses is so high. We will write a custom essay sample on A right to good healthcare specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on A right to good healthcare specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on A right to good healthcare specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The cost of going to a doctor is so high that many dont even other until it is often too late. Having experience a major health issue myself at the last minute, because I am not offered any type of healthcare insurance through my job. Many Americans Just cannot afford the cost of health insurance. In this paper I will address several issues on why healthcare is so important to Americans; such as the types of preventative care needed. Ways to prevent diseases, screenings and causes. The reasons many Americans Just do not have any type of healthcare coverage. Preventative Care The emphasis on preventative healthcare is all for good reasons. By maintaining f opportunities (or plans of life) reasonable people would choose in a given society (Daniel, N. 2001, pig. 2). Many people without access to healthcare only go to the Doctors after they have been ill or injured. We all know that regular exercise, a good nutritious diet, not smoking, and drinking to excess is the best course to minimize health problems and reduce the amount of money spent on health care. Along with life style selections we make the environment in which we live and work are critical to good preventative health practices. Prenatal Care is a preventative care practice. Women in developing countries are bleeding to death after giving birth, writhing in the convulsions of clamps, and collapsing from days of futile contractions, knowing that they have suffocated their babies to death (Maine, D Yamin,A, 1999, pig. 562). Getting good prenatal care is very important for the expectant mother and the unborn child. Many pregnant women in Georgia receive free prenatal care for their unborn child. This is great for the many women like myself that do not have healthcare insurance, and do not make enough money to actually pay out of pocket to have a baby. There are so many doctors appointments, screenings, and tests that need to be taken as a precaution before a mother gives birth. Moreover, according to the World Bank, although men and women between the ages of fifteen and forty-four lose approximately the same number of years of healthy life due to disease, there is no single cause of death and disability for men that comes close to the magnitude of maternal death and disability (Maine, D Hyman, A. 1999, pig. 564). Many women choose not to participate in having prenatal care, either from being in such denial, embarrassment, and even religious beliefs. This could be very dangerous to both mother and baby, many tests and screenings could have shown if the pregnancy needed to be aborted or if there is a complication such as the umbilical cord wrapped around the babys neck, or th e baby may be breached (the baby head is not down for delivery). Also tests can detect birth defects which are physical abnormalities that may be caused by inherited genes, genetic mutations, or environmental factors. Technology is so advanced now many expectant mothers are offered D and D visual of their precious baby. Even learning the sex of the unborn baby can be very exciting for new parents, but all which is very expensive to those that do not have medical coverage in place. Well care check-ups are so important staring with infants. Most infants have their first well-baby exam within the first few days to weeks after birth. Even when things are going well, frequent checkups during the first year are an important way to monitor the babys growth and development. Many parents have their children vaccinated according to their age. These vaccines are to help prevent many childhood diseases, not saying that the child still may not get sick, but it is a great prevention plan all parents should participate in. As parents it is very important that, they make sure their children stay on the vaccinated scheduled for their age. Many children must have all their immunization done before they can enter kindergarten. Other screenings are ear, eye, and dental checks. Many low-income or single parent homes, their children may be eligible for the Medicaid Program. This helps assists many single mothers with keeping up with their children well-care check-ups, vision and dental screenings. Well care check-ups go on into adult hood, many people that employers that do not offer any healthcare tend to slack up on doctor visits. But regular check-ups are still very important, certain age screenings are still needed. Early diagnosis for many diseases can be detected. Being without healthcare insurance, I was put into a life-threatening health scare in 2009, and it could have been prevented if I had been receiving regular check-ups, but like millions of Americans around the world, the cost are Just beyond high. Also, many Americans feel as though they are treated differently if they do not have any type of health coverage. Without co-pay at the time, one may be sent home without the proper screenings or sets run, and this is and can be very scary, and could be life-threatening. Long-term illnesses sometimes may not be able to be prevented, but detecting them early can save a person life. Cancers, Diabetes, HIVE/AIDS are a few long term diseases, even though some are not preventable, but when detected early your chances of either recovering or living comfortable with it may be easier. Many people feel like do not ask do not tell, or if it is not broke then do not fix it. These feelings can sometimes cause many people to be severely sick and suffer, or cause an unexpected death. This all could have been prevented with regular check-ups. Education is also an important factor; many people Just do not have the knowledge on the type of signs and symptoms on many illnesses. This is why having regular check-ups are so important. Disease Prevention Disease Prevention is a very important role in healthcare. Prevention comes with check-ups, screenings, and knowledge. There are so many diseases that cannot be prevented, but can be treated with antibiotics and other medicines. Several of those diseases are: Arthritis, Alchemists, and Cancers cannot be prevented, but they can be treated. There are two common types of Arthritis which are Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid. There are commercials that have different types of medicines to help with the pain of Arthritis. Many people have seen the Celebrate commercial. Alchemists is a type of dementia that causes problems with memory, thinking and behavior. The most common symptom is difficulty remembering, and usually develops slowly and get worse over time, becoming severe enough to interfere with daily tasks. As Alchemists advance it leads to severe symptoms, including disorientation, mood and behavior changes. Alchemists has no current cure, but reattempts for symptoms are available and research continues. Cancer is characterized by an abnormal growth of cells. There are more than 100 types of cancer, including breast cancer, skin cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, and lymphoma. Cancer symptoms vary widely based on the type of cancer. Cancer currently has no cure, but treatment options include: includes chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery. With early and proper treatment these diseases can make living with them a lot easier. Later detection can result in emergency surgeries, long term pain, and even death. Diseases that can be prevented are Sexual Transmitted Diseases (Studs) and HIVE/AIDS. Studs are infectious diseases that spread from person to person through sexual contact. Studs can affect anyone who is having sex. Studs are common among teens, since they are at a higher risk, its important to learn what you can do to protect yourself, things simple as abstinence, and condoms. If untreated, some Studs can cause serious health AIDS). Early detection can cure some Studs, with medication such as antibiotics. As stated in (Bible, G. 2007, pig. 1086), amidst denial, stigma, and inaction, AIDS became he first major epidemic of present-day globalization. Of more than 40 million people estimated to be HIVE-infected worldwide, 95 percent live in middle- or low-income countries, causing life expectancy to drop dramatically in those countries worst hit (Bible, G. 2007, pig. 1086). In late 2003, with only about 400,000 people receiving treatment, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Joint United Nations Program on HIVE/AIDS (UNAIDED) announced their goal of having 3 million HIVE-positive people on antimicrobial therapy by 2005 (Bible, G. 2007 pig. 1086). Early detection of HIVE/AIDS can allow someone to live comfortable with the disease while on their medication. Reasons many do not have Coverage Statistics show that people without health insurance do not get their health checked regularly and therefore are at a greater risk of having something that may have been prevented happen later on. Given the cost of even basic insurance, many people of modest means who do not qualify for Medicaid cannot reasonably afford insurance without subsidy (Mizzen, P. 2011, pig. 86). The high expense of going to a doctor visit is why most people without insurance do not go to the doctor and this is something hat should be changed as well. Costs of medical insurance as well as the cost of having health insurance all need to be made more affordable for Americans so they will take better care of themselves. Having health insurance is important because coverage helps people get timely medical care and improves their lives and health (Levy, H , M. 2004, pig. 110). Its sometimes about $500 or more to see a doctor, and then add lab tests, x-rays, etc. Many will see their family doctor if it is not a true emergency. There is a reason why they are called Emergency Rooms there are walk- n clinics everywhere. At your family Doctor get the same treatment at half the price. You also are not taking up space when someones life may be at stake, and truly need the emergency room. There are new triage system evaluates your symptoms and can even refuse to admit you to the ERE, referring you to your family doctor, where you should probably go in the first place. Many people will go to the ERE because they think they cant be refused, and think they can be seen at no cost to them. Verses going to their own doctor, they may have to pay a co-pay or office visit, and even have o take a prescription to their local pharmacy and have to buy their own meds. Since 1989, the federal Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (METAL) have prohibited hospitals from refusing acute care to those who cannot afford to pay (Mizzen, P. 2011, pig. 83). Realistically, when hospitals live up to this requirement, it is difficult for them to confine the care they provide to the emergency room (Mizzen, P. 2011, pig. 83). Patients who are not kept on for further acute care outside the emergency room will likely Just show up again, incurring more emergency room care for which they are not insured. Self-employed individuals have limited choices when it comes to health insurance coverage. Many go without going to have regular check- ups and preventative care screenings. They can buy an individual plan, start a group policy or forgo coverage altogether. However, even having coverage wont guarantee financial security in the event of medical catastrophe. A business group insurance policy costs members less because the financial risk for the insurance company is better coverage, there are many ways for self-employed people to Join a group. Most people obtain health coverage through a health plan offered by their employer. However, many people have become unemployed either to termination, Job closures, and even being laid off. Currently state and federal law allows people who have recently become unemployed to continue their previous health coverage for some time. If one loses their group coverage for employment-related reasons, some may be able to continue your coverage for a limited time. Employees who stay at a Job, but lose coverage eligibility because of a reduction in the number of hours they work, are also usually able to elect to continue their coverage. The employer is no longer squired to contribute any amount toward premium costs, so you must pay the full price of coverage yourself. However, continuing a work-sponsored plan may still be more affordable than purchasing coverage individually Conclusion The central moral importance, for purposes of Justice, of preventing and treating disease and disability with effective healthcare services (construed broadly to include public health and environmental measures, as well as personal medical services) derives from the way in which protecting normal functioning contributes to protecting opportunity (Daniels, N. 2001, pig. 2).

Sunday, November 24, 2019

A Constitutional and Human Rights Violation essayEssay Writing Service

A Constitutional and Human Rights Violation essayEssay Writing Service A Constitutional and Human Rights Violation essay A Constitutional and Human Rights Violation essayEffective control over the rights of every human being is one of the most important tasks of government agencies as well as public associations. There is no doubt that public control should be based on the provisions of the U.S. Constitution that protects people’s basic rights and freedoms.Speaking about the rights guaranteed to prisoners, it is possible to say that federal and state laws greatly maintain the administration of prisons and the rights of prisoners. Despite the fact that prisoners do not possess full Constitutional rights, they are protected by the U.S. Constitution and are prohibited from being punished in a savage and unusual manner. Indeed, ‘prisons are obligated to provide for prisoners’ health and medical treatment under the Constitution’s prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment under the Eighth Amendment as well as under international human rights law’ (Sichel 224). The protecti on means that all the prisoners should be afforded a minimum standard of living. In addition, prisoners are obligated to have some other Constitutional rights, such as due process and a legal right of access to the parole process. All in all, prisoners are protected against unequal treatment based on race, sex, ethnicity, and other personal characteristics since all ‘persons under any form of detention or imprisonment shall be treated in a humane manner and with respect for the inherent dignity of the human person’ (Sichel 252).In contrast, some of the rights afforded to students can include as follows: the right to free speech and association, to effective teaching, to adherence to class syllabi, to due process, safety and privacy, and some other constitutional rights. Students’ rights are more protected by the constitution. However, there are some certain rights afforded to prisoners many students wish they had. For instance, it can be the right to be free from cruel punishment that means the use of ungrounded force against a person.The study of most difficult types of offenders for the corrections system is still an ever-changing field of research. To date, there are many difficult types of offenders, who commit crimes against a variety of victims. However, the three most difficult types of offenders for the corrections system include sex offenders, mentally disordered offenders, and female offenders. There is no doubt that there are many different problems administrators face when dealing with each type of offender. For instance, female offenders present a significant fraction of the crime perpetrated in the community. Female killers who break the law reveal violent behaviors. Indeed, treatment of female offenders presents a number of serious challenges since sometimes it is difficult to recognize the reason for criminal activities. As for the mentally disordered offenders, it is possible to say that those are individuals who has a disa bility of the mind and has committed a criminal offence. For corrections, it is difficult to deal with those offenders because in some cases the individual may have become depressed by the fact that his conduct has been disclosed.In fact, male sex offenders present the greatest challenge for correctional since no crimes cause the same degree of people’s concern as do sexual crimes. Offending is a very serious problem with a traumatizing effect on victims. As a result, correctional systems should pay specific attention to these particular offenders, provide adequate treatment for sex abusers (e.g. cognitive-behavioral therapy), and thus make all the possible efforts to deal with those crimes.In conclusion, despite many difficulties administrators face when dealing with each type of offender, it is important to take all the possible measures to deal and overcome those offences in a proper way.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Treasury Securities and Stocks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Treasury Securities and Stocks - Essay Example This paper highlights that the U.S. Treasury Securities are accredited the U.S. government, and thus they are considered risk-free. The U.S. Treasury market is liquid and large with an agreement of an active repurchase in place. In addition, the faith placed on a security market depends on the credit rating of a nation, which is based on the borrowing and repayment history of the government. The repayment ability is based on the economic strength of the country. On the same vein, the U.S. has been rated under the highest credit ratings, AAA, by Standard and Poor’s, a credit rating institution. This positive rating is attributed to the fact that the U.S. is the most powerful economy across the globe. Given this, the Treasury securities of the U.S. are deemed to be risk-free and policy analysts, macroeconomic builders, investment bankers and financial analysts trust the U.S. Treasury Security rates when developing their forecast models. The rates on the U.S. Treasury Securities have an impact on the financial conditions throughout the world. As the study outlines   the repayment of the U.S. government’s debt can be hindered by a massive economic downturn. Despite its occurrence in rare circumstances, an economic downturn hit the U.S. in the form of a world-wide financial crisis in 2008. It was thought that this would make the benchmark rates of the U.S. Treasury to cease being risk-free. Nevertheless, the U.S. government upheld its faithfulness with its investors by purchasing some of the securities that it had issued. Besides, the government printed additional money and increased taxes so as to finance its debts.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Defense Budget and Sequestration Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Defense Budget and Sequestration - Assignment Example An extra $88.5 billion is required for ongoing military operations, chiefly in Afghanistan( Klein, 2013). The FY 2013 budget requirement is the first budget proposal subsequent to the enactment of the Budget Control Act (BCA) OF 2011. The BCA establishes the budget limits for the unrestricted component of the federal and integrates an enforcement tool, understood as a sequestration, devised to cut spending by design. The BCA as well was responsible for creating the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction, generally referred to as the Super Committee; furthermore, the BCA charged it with establishing an extra $1.2 trillion in deficit minimization over the foreseeable decade. Since the Super Committee failed to arrive any consensus on extra deficit minimization, the constitution requires that the budget limits be reduced to accomplish the $1.2 in the debit diminution through spending cuts. Just of a half of these reductions pertain to the budget explanation for national defense and the other remaining part pertains to non-defense accounts(Klein, 2013). Most estimation suggests that the United States is on the brink of shaky monetary path under the present federal tax and prerogative regimes. The lack of essential reforms many pundits say that the nation’s increasing debt poses a great long-standing threat to the United States national security, and that Pentagon’s budget will finally be sidelined by compulsory social spending plans. Over the past few years, Washington h as debated numerous debit reduction proposals, but a primary legislative bargain has proved obscure. Last month in March 1, sequestration went into effect. For Monetary Year 2013, the reductions total $85 billion, half of which is spent on defense. Where most political pundits surmise that some defense cuts should be part of an exhaustive debit reduction agreement, they show anxiety that the sweeping monetary austerity that began in March

Monday, November 18, 2019

The Great Search for Oil Sources Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Great Search for Oil Sources - Essay Example There are also those who, on the other hand, feel that the end result from drilling in the area would be so minuscule in nature, that is would prove to not have any kind of benefit, while in the process having a drastic effect on the ecosystem of the refuge itself. The online Encyclopedia Wikipedia provides a little history on the subject of drilling in the Arctic. It writes that, "The question of whether or not to allow drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) has been a political football for every sitting American president since Jimmy Carter. The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is just east of Prudhoe Bay in Alaska's "North Slope," which is North America's largest oil field. Currently, the Prudhoe bay area accounts for 17% of U.S. domestic oil production.[1] In 1987 and again in 1998 studies released by the U.S. Geological Survey have estimated significant deposits of crude oil exist within the land designated as the "1002 area" of ANWR, as well.[2][3][3] ," ("Arctic" p.1). A noticeable action came when, "In 2005, Congress twice affirmed their constituents' belief that America's remaining wilds are important and rejection of claims that Arctic Refuge oil is any sort of answer to the nation's dependence on foreign oil. In November 2005, leaders of the House removed provisions that would have allowed drilling in the refuge from a massive budget bill.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Human Resource Accounting

Human Resource Accounting First we need to look at any business in a profit motive and of course in a society prosperous kind as well. When we talking about any entity first thing that one can ask is about the output of that firm in terms of production. Resources to that particular organisation provided will have an intention in yielding some kind of output. Human resources in particularly will have a kind of criteria that should only satisfy with their skills and capabilities. Though skills and capabilities are not quite easy to design and anticipate in a desirable context but can draw some equators to expect. In doing this professionals need elaborated information with a measurable set of ends that possibly design the role and responsibilities of individuals in the organisation. When things can measure will evidently get managed. It is always important to set some standards and giving targets to the individuals such will helps in creating organisational structure with more ease and straight. Thus intellectu al capital all set to have advanced significance in valuing the firm value. Where human capital also get place in it. Organisations have got to control over the human resources in order to get more rigid and assist organisation carry further efficiency. Human resource management functions thus got more prominence in evaluating; measuring and managing human resources like any other divisions attain control over their relevant functions. Human Resource Accounting (HRA) is part of function of accounting and Human Resources as well. Much attention laid on human resource accounting in many years ago as research began in the 1960s by Rensis Likert [Bowers, 1973]. The importance which Emperor Akbar gave to the nine jewels (courtiers) is a strong evidence of this in the sixteenth century only. Many critics, researchers, scholars and many others perceived human resource accounting in different ways as a part of financial accounting, management accounting view and as a human resource function. Organisations must estimate the value arising out of employees then only it will make advantage to the stakeholders in terms of financial and managerial perspectives. Having a same kind of resources in terms of technology, tangible assets and even in number of human resources will still makes lot of difference between one to another. The bridge among the difference would be skills and capabilities of human resources. With the same technology, a solid human resource team makes all the difference [Archel, 1995]. Human resource accounting involves assigning; budgeting, measuring costs expend on (employees) human resources while recruit, select, hire, train and develop employees and judge their economic value to the organisation. Human resource accounting is an effort to recognize and report investments made on the human resources of an organisation which are not currently accounted under conventional accounting practice. In essence, it acts like an information system that advice the management what changes took place overtime to the human resources of the business, and cost and value of the human factor in particular organisation. The process may well furnish both the internal and external users; strengthen human resource management function (internal users) providing with relevant data which supports recruiting, training and other development decisions in and supplying investors, lenders and other external users of financial statement make presented information as to the investment in and utilisation of human resources in the organisation. Enhance the skills and capabilities of employees, setting some standards and to schedule the training and development programs by this practice. Exhibiting comprehensible strength of the organisation by exploring more information about potentialities of the organisation and to overcome the missing scarce of balance sheet for the investors by means of providing necessary adequate information. â€Å"Human Resource Accounting is mainly an information system that informs management what changes are occurring over time to the human resources of the business. HRA also involves a ccounting forinvestmentin people and their replacement costs, and also the economic value of people in an organization,† says P K Gupta, the director of strategic development-intercontinental operations, of Legato Systems India. HRA is primarily an information system, which update the management about the changes that are taking place in the human resource of an organisation. It is the art of valuing, recording and presenting methodically about the human resources in the books of accounts of an organisation. Definition: â€Å"Human Resource Accounting is the process of identifying and measuring data about human resources and communicating this information to interested parties.† American Accounting Society Committee on HRA â€Å"Human resource accounting is the measurement of the cost and value of the people for the organisation.† Eric Flamholtz of university of California, Los Angeles IT, hospital, sports club, research oriented and many organisations mostly depends on human capital rather physical capital. When we have a look at service oriented organisations which are creating more wealth to the society typically have greater significance to the human resources as the value of the knowledge and skills of its personnel more than that of physical assets of the organisation. Should HR accounting be rejuvenated at the present time? The answer lies in the level of consensus which presently exists about the crucial role that employee plays in all organisations (1992: 312).Most of the works on HRA focused primarily on validation and development of accounting the human resources. The treatment of human resource capital in final accounts and also on methodologies approaching in computing HRA and there are some researchers like Robinson (2009) questioning about the need of HRA. Though this study may/could not provide answers to these questions but can make a sense about HRA prevalence India and how they are handling in the books of accounts. However, in order to assess the value of the human capital, method of quantifying the significance of the knowledge, skills, capabilities and contribution of the human element as well as that of the organizational processes, like recruitment, selection, training etc., which are used to form and carry these human aspects, is developed. No particular HR accounting model is accepted by the accounting bodies all over the world. However, many organisations in India using the application ofLev Schwartz modelin both public and private sectors as well. Models for measurement of knowledge capital in monetary terms:- Cost modelsare based on the acquisition cost, including replacement and training costs and opportunity cost of human asset. The supporters of this model are Burmment, Flamholtz and Pyle. TheLev Schwartz model, more monetary-centric, is based on the likely future earnings of an employee till his retirement. Methods for Valuation: Historical Cost Method This method was proposed by Brummet to measure a firms investment in human resources. The current scarifies for obtaining future benefits is the cost of human resource. The method suggests capitalizing the firms expenditure on recruitment, selection, training and development of employees and treats them as assets for the purpose of human resource accounting. Capitalization of costs is contrary to traditional accounting norms and does not reflect value. Moreover the accumulated costs of human resource acquisition and development may not reflect its proper worth. Instead of this, the total performance needs should be assessed in relation to the total cost associated with human resource to reflect their value. Replacement Cost Method This method involves assessment of replacement cost of individuals, and rebuilding cost of the organization to reflect human resourceasset value of both the individuals and the organization. However, the replacement cost may not reflect either the actual costs or the contribution associated with human resource. Opportunity Cost Method According to this method the computation of monetary value and allocation of people to the most promising activity and thereby to assess the opportunity costs of key employees through competitive bidding among investment centers. Behavioural Method In this method a set of casual variables through psycho-social test results reflecting the appreciating or depreciating condition of human organization as reflected by a set of intervening variables, which in turn, are likely to result in the achievement of the end result variables. The investment in human resource value has been proposed to be amortized over the years in tune with the condition of the human organization. Economic Method Lev Schwartz advocated the estimation of future earnings during the remaining life of the employee and then arriving at the present value by discounting the estimated earnings at the employees cost of capital. The formula adopted for computation of the present value of the future earnings in an extension to the formula propounded by Lev Schwartz. Flamhlotz value human resource on the basis of the roles which the employees are to perform. The method also considers the present value of the future services at different service states and takes into consideration the migration of an employee from one service state to the other. However, the estimates of the employees occupying different service states in his career in the organization can be highly probabilistic and unreliable. Harmonson advocated the human resource value as the present value of the future wages payable for the next five years discounted at the adjusted rate of return. The adjusted rate of return is the average rate of return on the owned assets of all firms in the economy multiplied by efficiency ratio of the organization. This method attempts to bring into question the effectiveness of return on investment of the industry on the assumption that there are no extraneous factors and that the results were due to efforts of the employees. Each model has its own negatives and positive when it comes to practical application. In an Indian context, the Lev Schwartz model has an edge over the other models. Since the method has been widely adopted by Indian companies such as Infosys, DSQ Software Ltd., Satyam Computers, BHEL and SPIC, it enables the company to benchmark the performance and efficiency of their human resources with others. The assumptions in this model are realistic and scientific. The method has practical applicability when availability of quantifiable and analyzable data is concerned. Organisations which are undertaking this HRA process in India and some other global companies as well are as follows: Bharat Heavy Electrical Limited, India Infosys Technologies, India Reliance Industries, India NIIT Limited, India HCL Technologies, India Cadence Systems, India Legato Systems, India SBI, India Novo Nordisk, Denmark Frederiksborg County, Denmark Skandia, Sweden Environmental Protection Agency, Denmark The Body Shop, London, UK Xerox Mitsubishi Whitbread Ford Motors Esso And the some human resource accounting softwares: ADP, Kronos, Ceredian, Lawson, TempWare, Empact, SAP, UltiPro, Stromberg. [SOURCE : secondary] Interesting points to come across in this study are; o Book representation of HRA o Methodologies to adopt in computing HRA o The present importance given to HRA in different countries, organisations and in perspective of many scholars, researchers. o Is HRA more advantage in accounting perspective or HR perspective? And the belief of people involved in it through some sort of interviewing the professionals. o More focus on Infosys and BHEL where two organisations has different mode of industries. o And the value of HRA in recession timings.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

How to Find and Buy Quality Websites :: Sell Websites Buy Websites

How to Find and Buy Quality Websites Reprinted with permission of VotanWeb.com Most buyers don’t realize that very few of all website buyers are successful in buying a quality website. VotanWeb receives email form website buyers daily and the frustrations I hear from them are usually pretty much the same. Buyers need to know how the game works when buying a website. It is a lot like finding that great job – it takes a lot of work and patience. Most website buyers are unprepared, unrealistic, and think they will easily find that perfect website. If you are thinking of buying a website, you need to carefully read and follow the points below to be successful. To successfully buy a website you need to: 1. Have a one page â€Å"Acquisition Criteria/Resume† ready at all times - this info consists of the types of websites you are looking to purchase, what amount you have are willing to invest, how much adjusted net income you expect from the website you are buying i.e. return etc. Make sure you have your name, address, all phone numbers to be contacted at, email address, and fax number. 2. You need to understand as a buyer that most websites listed for sale have little or no value – you need to know this when you go searching. Searching for a website to buy is not like looking for a house to purchase. Houses may be overpriced, but most houses listed for sale have some inherent value. Most websites offered for sale have no value at all. 3. Take confidentiality agreements seriously. If you are going in with someone else to buy a website (like a partner) make sure you both sign and get it back to the owner immediately – don’t expect much information about the website without signing one. Keep all info about websites you look at confidential – you break the agreement and you will never have access to any other confidential information about any website on the internet. Of course, there are also legal ramifications in many instances. 4. Never ever tell a website owner these things: â€Å"Don’t worry I have plenty of money to buy a website – it’s none of your business†, â€Å"I’m looking at all websites for sale – I am not picky† – when website owners hear these comments and other nonsense from buyers they know you’re not a professional and they will usually pass on you.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Batas Militar Essay

Batas Militar, commonly known in its English translation as â€Å"Martial Law†. As stated in the 1973 Constitution of the Philippine Republic that the Prime Minister as the Commander-in-Chief may declare Martial Law under the same conditions, â€Å"in case of invasion, insurrection or rebellion, or imminent danger thereof, the public safety requires it. This proclamation also suspended the Writ of Habeas Corpus, this suspends the human rights of an accused person to be fight for what he believe is right in front of an authority, but instead his fate depends upon the attitude of the President towards him. On the first days of this proclamation, I believe the country responded well, because they also believe that the Philippines is sick, rebellion against the government has been in power in some rural places and communist armed forces are trying to invade the nation. But I also believed that the authority who is Ferdinand Marcos during that time exceeded to his limitations as t he head of state. During the Martial law, Marcos amended the constitution for several times and I believe he used this for his own good. Democracy has been ceased and no news opposing the Marcos administration can be seen in broadsheet and even in the broadcast media such as radio and television, they also put into closure those media stations that attack the wrong doings and failures of the Marcos administration. They put into prison those people whose only objective is to say what they think is right and what they think is best for the nation. Democracy and human rights has been violated during this time, not to mention the allegations of corruption and violation of its own constitution has been brought to President Marcos. I certainly believed that during the Martial Law era, not to mention the good things that this proclamation brought to us such as discipline, obedience and loyalty to the one who is in power. This proclamation of Martial law has been used by the authorities in such a way that the citizens of this nation will hate them, violating their own constitution, corrupting the money of the people, corrupting the rights of the citizens, corrupting the minds of the military whose prime objective is to defend the nation and not to hurt the citizens. Human Rights should not be sacrificed just to obtain a common goal. In order for us to move forward, we should set our goals and vision with due respect to the rights of the citizens and respect to our own constitution.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Everything You Need to Know to Visit the Temples of Bagan

Everything You Need to Know to Visit the Temples of Bagan SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips For grandeur, size, and the feeling that you’re Indiana Jones, it’s hard to compete with the temples of Bagan in central Myanmar. This massive expanse of thousands of temples (estimates range from 2,000 to over 4,000) dot the landscape in various stages of dilapidation and restoration. Built by a series of kings between 1057 and 1287, Bagan is one of an increasingly rare breed: a world-class attraction that hasn’t yet been discovered by the masses. Bagan’s popularity is increasing, but much of the information about it has not kept pace, and that can make it difficult for travelers trying to plan a trip to this site. Bagan offers a range of unique experiences. While here you can: Watch the sunrise from the top of Shwesandaw Pagoda Cool off with a glass of fresh tamarind juice in a cafe overlooking the Irrawaddy River Discover gold-plated Buddha statues hidden in temple niches Survey the ruins of past kingdoms during a hot air balloon ride over the plains Follow winding dirt roads around bushes and through groves of palm trees to discover tiny temples that only get a few visitors a year This guide will walk you through each step you need to take to plan and carry out a trip to Bagan, from when to visit and how to get there to which temples to visit and what form of transportation to use. 5 Things to Figure Out Before You Leave The logistics of visiting Bagan can be somewhat challenging, so it's important to make sure you thoroughly understand what to expect before heading out. When to Visit One of the first things to decide on when planning your trip to Bagan is figuring out when you’d like to visit. The most popular time to visit Bagan is in the winter, from November through February, when it is both cooler and dry. The average temperature during this period is around 80 degrees Fahrenheit (27 Celsius). This is when temperatures are coolest and there is little rain, but this is also when Bagan is most crowded. If you’d like to avoid the crowds or can’t make it to Bagan in the winter, it’s also possible to visit during other times of the year. The end of the dry season, from March to May, is when temperatures are hottest in Bagan. The average temperature during these months is about 95 degrees Fahrenheit (35 Celsius), although the temperature can often get over 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38 Celsius) in the middle of the day. Rainy season begins at the end of May and lasts through October. Temperatures are cooler during this period (about 78 degrees Fahrenheit/ 26 Celsius), but it will rain nearly every day. Take your personal preferences into account when choosing when to visit. Winter has the most enjoyable weather, but you’ll also have to deal with more crowds (although nothing close to those you’ll find at similar locations like Angkor Wat). If you think you can handle the high temperatures, the end of the dry season can be an ideal time to visit Bagan as you'll have many of the smaller temples to yourself. The short period between seasons can also get you the best of both worlds. I visited Bagan at the end of May, right at the beginning of the rainy season, and I was lucky to have no rain, cloudy skies which kept the temperature lower, and few other visitors at the temples, although this won’t always be the case. Whatever month you choose to visit Bagan, know that any time in the near future is a great time to go. Bagan’s popularity has been steadily increasing in the past few years, and, while it’s still a somewhat undiscovered place, that won’t last forever. So visit Bagan now before the rest of the world catches on. How Long to Stay The temples cover a huge area and take a while to get to, therefore I’d recommend spending at least two days, ideally three, in Bagan. Your first day can be spent visiting the major temples (described below), preferably with a guide, on your second day you can explore some of the smaller and more distant temples on your own, and your third day can be spent further exploring the area or returning to some of your favorite temples. Staying longer is always possible, and you could easily spend your entire trip exploring Bagan and still only see a fraction of what it has to offer. However, there isn't much else in the area besides temples, so if you get easily "templed-out", take that into account when planning your itinerary. How to Get to Myanmar Most foreign visitors to Myanmar will require a visa to enter the country. If you’re a citizen of Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, the Philippines, Thailand (only if you’re entering via an international airport), or Vietnam, you don’t need a visa if your visit is less than 14 days. Most people who need a visa are eligible to apply for an eVisa (check the website to see if your country is one of those eligible for the eVisa). To apply for the eVisa, you’ll need your passport information, a recent color photo you can upload, and credit card details to pay the $50 fee. After your eVisa is approved, you’ll receive an eVisa approval letter which is valid for 90 days and which you must have with you when you arrive in Myanmar. If your approval letter is expired, you won’t be allowed to enter the country. Your eVisa allows you a single visit of up to 28 days in Myanmar, and eVisas can only be used by people entering via an international airport. Most people enter Myanmar at the country’s largest city, Yangon, but there are also two additional international airports in Mandalay and Nay Pyi Taw. The eVisa is by far the most popular way to get the visa needed to enter Myanmar, but there is also a paper visa and a visa on arrival. For people in the United States, information on the paper visa, as well as the form you need to fill out and submit, can be found on the Myanmar Embassy’s website. The paper visa will also grant you a single visit of up to 28 days, and you’ll need to attach proof of your plane tickets, hotel reservations, or confirmation from your tour leader. Visas on arrival are rare to get, and they also require additional documents, such as proof of your itinerary. More information about them can be found on the government of Myanmar’s website. Money Matters The kyat is the currency used in Myanmar, and one USD is worth approximately 75 kyats. You can get kyats at an ATM or by exchanging money at a bank or exchange center. If you are exchanging US dollars, make sure the bills are in as pristine condition as possible, as many places won't take them if they have any wrinkles or tears. It's best to get kyats before you arrive in Bagan, as ATMs and official exchange centers are rare outside of the main cities. Some places will accept US dollars in place of kyats, and many of the larger hotels accept major credit cards. How to Get to Bagan After you arrive in Myanmar, there are several ways to get to Bagan. If you’re traveling with a tour, these details will already be worked out for you, but if you’re traveling independently, you’ll have to figure out how to get to Bagan on your own. Flying The fastest way to get to Bagan is to fly. The Bagan airport is called Nyaung U, and there are flights from both Yangon (80 minutes) and Mandalay (30 minutes). (Nyuang U is only a domestic airport, so there are no international flights there.) Flying domestically in Myanmar used to be difficult because there was no way to purchase tickets online. Recently, however, most airlines have adopted e-ticketing. Flights are still limited, so tickets should be purchased at least several weeks, and ideally a few months, in advance. The airlines offering flights to Bagan are Asian Wings Airways, Golden Myanmar Airlines, Mann Yadanarpon Airlines, and Myanmar National Airlines. Roundtrip flights from Yangon start at about $215, and from Mandalay at about $150. Bus The cheapest way to get to Bagan is traveling by bus. Overnight buses from Yangon leave around 6pm-8pm and arrive very early in the morning, usually around 3am. (Hotels are well accustomed to this, and many will let you check in when you arrive, provided your room is vacant.) Bus rides from Mandalay take five to seven hours and travel during the day. There’s variation in the quality of different bus lines, with the higher-end companies, like JJ Express or Bagan Minn Thar Express, offering reclining and quite spacious seats. Most hotels can help you purchase bus tickets, or you can buy them from the ticket office directly. Tickets from Mandalay cost about 10,000 kyats ($9), and tickets from Yangon start at about 15,000 kyats ($13), with higher-end companies costing a bit more. Train Traveling by train is slower than more expensive than going via bus, but if you enjoy train journeys, you may be interested in taking a train to Bagan. From Yangon, trains leave around 4pm and arrive the next morning at about 10am. Trains from Mandalay run during the day and take about 7 hours, although delays of up to several hours are often reported. Trains in Myanmar are often old and have only basic amenities, although most will have a restaurant car available. Train tickets need to be bought at the station. A ticket for a sleeper-car from Yangon will cost about $50, while tickets from Mandalay are about $7-$10. Boat The only way to enter Bagan via boat is if you’re coming from Mandalay. The journey can take between 8 hours and two days, depending on whether you’re on a government-run â€Å"slow boat† or a faster boat that makes fewer stops and doesn’t overnight. Boats stop in either Nyang U or Old Bagan. The ferry service is shut down from April through June due to low water levels. Ticket prices can vary widely depending on which boat you take, but prices are generally between $15 and $40. What to Expect Once You Arrive in Bagan Once you arrive in Bagan you've made it through the hard part, but there are still some decisions to be made. Arriving in Bagan Both the Nyuang U Airport and the train station are located 2-4 miles southeast of town, depending on which part you’re going to. The jetty is about half a mile from Nyuang U market (the boat may also stop in Old Bagan), and buses will drop you off along Nyuang U’s main road, a few miles from town. No matter how or when you arrive, there will be transportation options to get you to your accommodation. However, if you arrive very early on an overnight bus, your options may be limited to tuk-tuks as opposed to taxis. When you arrive in Bagan, you’ll have to pay the Bagan Archaeological Zone fee (25,000 kyats or $20). If you arrive via boat or plane, you’ll pay this fee at the port or airport. If you arrive by bus or train, there are checkpoints where your driver will stop and you’ll pay the fee (these checkpoints are manned around the clock, so even if you arrive at 3am, you’ll still have to pay). After you pay the fee, you’ll be issued a small card you may be asked to show your hotel when you check in. The card is valid for one week, but people working at the temples rarely ask for it, so you likely won’t have to buy another card if you stay longer than a week. Where to Stay While not very populous, Bagan covers a significant area (the Bagan Archaeological Zone on its own is 26 square miles), and there are several different towns you can stay in. Be aware that hotel prices drop significantly during the off-season if you look for deals online. Nyuang U Most people stay in Nyuang U because it is the largest town in the area and offers the most amenities. Nyuang U is also where most of the transportation links are, and, even if you don’t stay here, you’ll likely pass through on your way in or out of Bagan. If you’re traveling on a budget, Nyuang U has the widest selection of hostels and budget hotels in the area, with some rooms as cheap as $20 a night. It also has the greatest selection of restaurants. Nyuang U has a few minor temples within its boundaries, but it's two miles away from the edge of the main temple area. Old Bagan Old Bagan is located next to the Irrawaddy River, just a short walk to the main temple zone (however, a bike or other form of transportation is recommended to reach more distant temples). Because this is the closest you can stay to the temples, accommodation is most expensive here. There are some high-end hotels that cost several hundred dollars a night, but it is possible to find a room for under $100 or even less if you visit in the off-season. There are restaurants here but, in general, Old Bagan is the quietest area to stay in. New Bagan New Bagan strikes a good balance between the other two areas. It’s between Old Bagan and Nyuang U in terms of both price and distance to the temples, so if you’re trying to balance your budget and travel time to the temples, New Bagan might be a good option for you. Which Temples to Visit One of the most unique and memorable aspects of Bagan is wandering through a maze of hundreds of small and forgotten temples with no one else in sight. At least part of your trip should involve just heading out and seeing what you find, but there are also certain temples everyone who visits Bagan should see, and I’ve described each of them below. These temples are generally the biggest, most beautiful, and most religiously significant in all of Bagan. Ananda Temple One of the most important of several thousand temples of Bagan, the Ananda Temple is definitely a must-see. It was built over 900 years ago by King Kyanzittha and today is an important Buddhist pilgrimage spot. Ananda is also one of the best-preserved temples in Bagan, and beyond the entrance are numerous Buddha statues and a courtyard with traditional glazed tiles. This is one of the most popular temples to visit, so there will often be crowds and vendors selling goods during peak times. Dhammayangyi Temple Dhammayangyi draws visitors because it’s the largest temple in Bagan and is visible across most of the temple zone. It’s imposing exterior matches a grim history. Dhammayangyi is said to have been built in the 12th century as an attempt at atonement by King Narathu, who was known for murdering multiple members of his family. It doesn’t seem to have changed his personality much though, for the king also allegedly chopped off an arm of any worker who didn’t meet his strict construction standards for Dhammayangyi. Gory history aside, this is one of the best-preserved temples in Bagan and has many original paintings and mortar decorations. Gawdawpalin Temple Also known as the â€Å"temple of forgiveness†, Gawdawpalin was built in the 12th century by King Narapatisithu. Legend has it that the king committed a terrible crime that caused him to go blind. After completing the temple and praying for forgiveness, his sight was miraculously restored. This isn’t the most unique or interesting temple to see, but it’s an excellent example of how temples were built in the late Bagan period. Shwesandaw Pagoda This white-washed colored pagoda isn’t the most stunning building in the area, but it’s one of the most popular places to watch sunrise and sunset. Climbing to the highest level gives sweeping views of the plains dotted with temples. At dawn and dusk Shwesandaw can be extremely crowded, but it’s quite empty during other times, and the views are still some of the best you’ll get anywhere in Bagan. Shwezigon Pagoda Located in Nyuang U, glittery, golden Shwezigon makes a nice contrast to all of the brick you’ve likely been seeing in Old Bagan. The temple includes four shrines, each housing a bronze Buddha, as well as 37 nat, or pre-Buddhist religious figurines. Thatbyinnyu Pagoda The tallest temple in Bagan, Thatbyinnyu is located near the Ananda Temple. The temple is primarily white, with its spires tipped with gold. Unfortunately, past earthquakes have made the upper stories of the building unstable, so visitors are not allowed to climb it. Touring Bagan With a Guide It’s possible to either wander Bagan on your own or hire a guide for a day or half-day tour. There are several types of guided tours. Horse-Cart A guided horse cart tour is the most traditional and cheapest way to tour Bagan. Your guide will be a local, and you’ll sit in the back of a cart with a cover on top so you’re protected from sun and rain. Your driver will know where all of the main temples are as well as places to stop for snacks and drinks, but their job is mostly transporting you from one place to another as opposed to explaining the sites. Once you hop out of the cart to explore the temples you’ll be on your own. Prices can vary widely depending on the season and competition, but expect to pay around 25,000 kyats ($21) for a full-day tour and slightly less for a half-day tour. There are also sometimes rickshaws available for tours, but they're much less common. Taxi You can also tour Bagan in a taxi. This will be similar to the horse cart tour, but with increased comfort and cost, and you’ll likely get to see more of Bagan because you can travel faster. Most hotels will be able to hire taxis for you, and you can also enquire at Nyaung U airport. Taxi tour prices can vary widely (always confirm the price with the driver before you start), but expect to pay about twice as much as a horse cart tour. Balloon Rides For those looking for a once-in-a-lifetime experience (besides just visiting Bagan itself), it’s possible to take a hot air balloon over the temples. You’ll take off early in the morning so you can see sunrise from the air, then circle around the main temples of Bagan. Balloon tours are only available from October to April and cost about $350-$400 per person. The price typically includes pickup and drop-off, breakfast, and a champagne toast. There are several companies that offer these tours including Balloons Over Bagan, Bagan Balloon, Oriental Ballooning, and Golden Eagle Ballooning. Book your tickets before you arrive as the trips can sell out in advance. Getting Around on Your Own It’s also possible to explore Bagan individually. Walking is, of course, possible, and can be useful for nearby temples, but Bagan’s size and regular high temperatures mean you’ll probably want to have some form of transportation to more comfortably reach distant sites. Almost every hotel rents bikes for as little as $2 a day. Bikes are a cheap and easy way to get around, but if it’s very hot you may wear yourself out pedaling all day. Also, the ground can get very loose and sandy around the smaller temples, which can be difficult to pedal through. When renting a bike, always try it out first before paying for it. Bike quality can vary widely, and you don’t want to get stuck with a wobbly frame or a flat tire. Another option is getting around on an electronic bike or e-bike, which is a bike that runs on electric power or can be pedaled. These are more expensive, but you travel faster and don’t have to pedal very much. If your own hotel isn’t renting e-bikes, they’ll be able to direct you to a place that does. Again, test the e-bike out before you pay for it, and make sure it’s fully charged. Should You Get a Guide? There are several options for guided tours in Bagan, but do you even need one? As I mentioned above, most tours, excluding some higher-end ones, won’t give you much information about the Bagan temples themselves; instead, they’re primarily a way to get around. This may make you think that a tour isn’t very useful. However, Bagan is a huge site with just a few signs pointing the way to the most important temples. Many temples are found on winding, unmarked dirt roads making it almost impossible to easily find all the temples you want to see on your own, even if you have a map. While in Bagan, I met multiple tourists who had decided not to hire a guide to keep costs down, but many left Bagan disappointed because they were unable to find some of the most important and popular temples on their own. I’d highly recommend hiring a guide for your first day in Bagan and asking them to take you to each of the main temples. This way you’ll ensure that you see each of Bagan’s main sights. You can spend the following day/days exploring the other temples on your own and perhaps return to some of your favorites. Tips for Visiting Bagan Finally, there are a few tips you should keep in mind in order to keep your trip to Bagan as smooth and enjoyable as possible. Tip 1: Make Use of the Early Morning Bagan is hot all year round, so take advantage of the morning hours right after dawn when Bagan is cooler and less crowded. During sunrise, there will generally be crowds around popular spots like Shwesandaw Pagoda, but at least one morning you should get off the beaten trail and visit some of the lesser-known temples. You’ll likely have them all to yourself. Tip 2: Dress Appropriately Most of Myanmar is devoutly Buddhist, and the temples of Bagan are some of their most important religious sites. As such, visitors are expected to be respectful and dress appropriately. Everyone, especially women, should make sure their pants/skirt/dress reaches past their knees, and covering your shoulders is a good idea too. Those who don’t meet the dress code will be denied entry into the larger temples (most smaller temples have no one to check what you’re wearing). You must be barefoot when entering the temples, so wear flip-flops or sandals so you're not spending a lot of time messing with socks and shoelaces. Walking barefoot on hot tiles can get uncomfortable in the middle of the day, which is another reason to get up early. Tip 3: Be Respectful Again, the Bagan temples are culturally and religiously significant to the people of Myanmar, so don’t treat them like they’re just an Instagram background. In February 2016, the Myanmar government banned the climbing of all but five of the Bagan temples. The five temples exempt from the ban are Shwesandaw (discussed above), Pyathard Gyi, North Gunni, South Gunni and Thitsaw Wati. This ban was instituted because of â€Å"inappropriate activity† by tourists, including sleeping in the temples, entering restricted areas, dancing in the temples, and causing damage to the stonework. You don’t need to be frozen and silent when you’re in the temples, but don’t be rowdy either and don’t try to access restricted areas (many of these are unstable due to age and earthquake damage, and building collapses are not uncommon). Tip 4: Do Some Exploring My last and most important piece of advice is to do some old-school exploring of Bagan. Bagan is one of the only archaeological wonders of the world where you’re pretty much given free reign around the site. There are literally thousands of temples to explore, but most tour groups will only visit a handful of the biggest and most famous ones. Grab a bike and just pedal in the direction of anything that looks interesting. I spent several days getting lost in mazes of hundreds of smaller temples, and, in addition to the temples, I came across local goat herders and their flocks, Burmese children walking home from school, and a tiny cemetery a villager brought me to. If you’re worried about not knowing how to find your way back to civilization, bring a map with you. You’ll regularly come across Burmese people, and even if they don’t speak English, if you point to town on your map, they’ll be able to send you in the right direction. Recently, I’ve seen more and more people complaining about crowds in Bagan, but on my recent trip I found it easy to escape the masses by stepping onto any of the smaller dirt roads and seeing where it took me.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Heres how to survive your first day at work at your new job

Heres how to survive your first day at work at your new job Being the new guy in the office is rough especially on your first day. You never know what to expect coming into a new environment. But being new in the office and surrounding is an exciting time. It’s time to meet new people and get into the new swing of things.  With this survival guide being prepared for day  one of your new job will be easy breezy. Remember be yourself and things will go great!  Source [ChairOffice]

Monday, November 4, 2019

Too much weight is attributed to chance in the field of involuntary Essay

Too much weight is attributed to chance in the field of involuntary manslaughter. Discuss - Essay Example one individual, in that black moment, sets in motion many related to the cause of jurisprudence in a democratic set up i.e., Police Officers, Prosecutors, Defence Lawyers and Judges & of course, the Media. Then you see parties to the case hover in the courtroom. Arguments and counter arguments continue. Some one is desperately trying to suppress the truth, within the framework of law. You seek somehow, that precious freedom! Liberation from the clutches of law! In a wintry morning, we visited the ward of the combustible younger generation in a famous Jail, to see our friend, charged with manslaughter. The ward housed about 100 such inmates. Were they criminals? If you were not told in advance about the place of visit, you would guess that it was a college campus! Youngsters in colourful T-shirts, fashionable trousers, casuals and jackets! They practiced dances that day, as part of the reformation and rehabilitation program initiated by a Non-Governmental Organization. They put the steps again and again to achieve perfection, which they were bound to! For, the secret of success lies in unstoppable efforts! We were surprised to observe variety of growing talents! The boys were in the in the process of learning how to convert defeats into victories, so that they could utilize their stay in the Jail to fine-tune the personality! From one such cluster of youngsters, we heard a resolution, â€Å"After release from the prison, we shall form a dance-troupe.† While taking leave after an hour of observation of their activities, I told them, â€Å"My dear brothers, I am very glad to be with you here to watch your multitalented activities! Thanks and good wishes to you all! I would never like to see you here again!† Is too much weight attributed to chance in the field of involuntary manslaughter? Before the visit to the Jail, you would have remained on the other side of the fence, but not now. In most such cases, the offender needs to be pitied rather than condemned. The

Friday, November 1, 2019

A forest of symbols. How appropriate is this phrase as a description Essay

A forest of symbols. How appropriate is this phrase as a description of Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness - Essay Example Instead, he finds meaning in the outside nature of things, what can be seen and touched and therefore proved. This emphasizes the importance of symbolism in bringing out the meaning of the story as Marlowe, concentrating on the outside, will make finding true meaning difficult at best. However, Marlow’s experience in the Congo has changed him to a man who cannot ignore the deeper meanings of the symbols around him. Like the rest of the story, in which everything seems to be reversed with its opposite or at best misunderstood in its entirety, the opening of the novel depends largely upon symbols as a means of conveying this sense of inner conflict between the nature of a thing and itself. The concepts of inward and outward, civilized and savage and light and dark are recurrent themes throughout the novel, introduced at the novel’s beginning and illustrating how each of these words are actually defined by cultural rather than actual standards. The bulk of the book concentrates on Marlowe’s telling of his adventures on the Congo River as a steamboat captain sent in to find a station master who has gone missing. As he struggles to make his way up the river to the interior where this man is supposed to be waiting for him, Marlowe begins to gain a deeper understanding of what is actually occurring in the forest outside the realm of what he’s been told by the Company. The trip on the Congo serves as a frame for a variety of adventures Marlow experienced as a younger man including encountering abject poverty, the frightening sight of ‘black men’ (never humans) working, chain gangs, uncomfortable station managers and broken down steamer ships. He is exposed to the most self-centered and greed-oriented individuals who appear to view the jungle as their personal treasure chest, to be exploited in any way they see fit, rather